Henry's Wish

Remembering and celebrating all angel babies



Pregnancy after loss is a roller coaster of emotions.

This page aims to talk about our experience and what helped us.

Planning to try again

Many parents will want to try again. For us, a rainbow will not replace Henry, and he will always be our first-born. He made us parents and losing him intensified our desire to have another child.

​You may be ready to try again straight away, you might want to wait. Discuss with your partner, counsellor and medical team on how to prepare yourselves, both emotionally and physically.

You might want to seek professional medical help to run tests and/or discuss if you need to do anything differently (before or after falling pregnant again). You might want to switch healthcare providers or hospitals or you might not. You don't have to act or decide immediately.

You might fall pregnant right away, you might not. And it will be heart-breaking when you do not see two lines on the pregnancy test when you long or expect to see one. It is okay to cry but know that support is available when you need to chat.

Pregnancy after loss

When you do see a "YES" or two lines on your pregnancy test, you might feel a whole heap of emotions. Lean on your partner and loved ones for support - you will need it.

Every day, every scan and every doctor's appointment brings excitement and anxiety. You will most likely worry - don't dismiss the feeling, instead acknowledge it and tell yourself that your body knows what it is doing and that your pregnancy is progressing well until you are told otherwise.

We were fortunate to have discussed a plan with our healthcare provider prior to falling pregnant again. The plan was different to our pregnancy plan for Henry. We were offered more scans, more appointments and tests. We felt supported.

Depending on how you feel, consider if the following might help:

  • set little milestones (e.g. take weekly bump pics, looking forward to the next OB / scan appointment, plan when you would see your dentist and/or get your whooping cough vaccine)

  • take time to have self care time (e.g. meditation, going for walks, colouring, knitting)

  • draw a heart and sectioning it to 40 sections, each section representing 1 week in pregnancy and you colour each week in as your pregnancy progresses

  • have a chat with your psychologist or counsellor

  • join a pregnancy after loss group (online or in person)