Henry's Wish

Remembering and celebrating all angel babies 

When you find out your baby isn't coming home with you

No parents want to ever hear the devastating words, "I'm sorry, there's no heartbeat."

We did. At our regular pregnancy appointment, with no prior symptoms, warning or indication. We were given little to no information on how to prepare for the birth of our sleeping child.

We truly hope nobody has to ever read/use this page, but in the unfortunate event that you do, we hope that it will help you navigate your loss.


Sending so much love and light. 

Processing the heart-breaking news

You will be overwhelmed with feelings, all of which are normal and valid - immense sadness, deep shock, anger, frustration, fear, anxiety and any other feelings that will come and go in the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years to come.


You may cry, you may want to scream, you may want to say nothing until you are ready, you may want nothing but hugs, you might want to tell someone, you might not.

Take a deep breath and take all the time you need.

For us, we chose to tell our immediate family right after receiving the devastating news. We told a few close friends, including a friend who had suffered a loss. She was instrumental in helping us with our grief and processing our feelings. We were both working and we decided to let work know that we would not be going back for the time being and would let them know when we were ready to return.

Not everyone will truly understand what you are going through and people might not know what you need. Be gentle with yourself and take it one breath and one day at a time. Remember, your angel lives on in you and you can always find ways to include him/her in your life.

Due to the COVID pandemic, not many others knew we were expecting and it took us a few weeks before we shared losing Henry more broadly. We are glad that we did. Introducing Henry on social media and telling the world about his story helped us celebrate and remember him with others. Many sent their love but sadly, some also shared with us their loss(es) that we did not know about.

Jamie cried uncontrollably every day for the first 6 weeks, whereas Will went on long walks and also spent time writing his new book. Everyone will grieve differently and it is important to give them space to do so. For couples, it is especially important to be there and support each other. For us, we hugged each other every day and reminded ourselves that we are stronger together.

Today, we smile when we think of Henry and he continues to inspire us to be brave and dream big. We created this initiative because we want Henry's life and story to help others who are unfortunately experiencing loss.

More resources:

What to bring with you to the hospital, if you choose to birth your baby

Consider if you'd like to bring:

Just some ideas but we know none will take the pain away. We hope it will help you build some memories with your precious baby.

Remembering and celebrating your angel

There are many ways to remember and celebrate your angels and continue building memories with them:

More ideas here:

Support and resources that we found helpful

Australian support / resources:

International support / resources:

Note that we are not affiliated in any way with any of the above

Resources for family and friends

When your friend or loved one has shared the unfortunate news, here are some ideas on how you can support them ​

More resources: